The Hive residency at thecamp
Cached Collective, with Walid van Boetzelaer, Tim Maughan, Laurence Mence, Jake Charles Rees.
Experimenta 2020, Piksel 2019, Tate Exchange 2019, V&A DDW 2019, ISEA2019
Cached is an experience that reveals your digital self and explores how activity online is interpreted by social media algorithms. Cached reveals how machines perceive you and the assumptions they make, even if they are true or false.
Throughout the experience, a visitor will learn that this algorithm and many like it create detailed profiles of different users. The reason for these profiles is so that advertisers or other entities can better micro-target vast segments of society.

At the end of the Cached experience, a printed receipt with a summary of a visitors examination becomes the only record of their data, all other traces of their data is erased. It is up to the visitor to decide what they do with this printed record and reflection of their self. Cached is an experience which allows oneself to think critically about the version of themselves which exists online.

Cached is the result of a collaborative effort by the Cached Collective. The collective first met during a social innovation residency in the South of France, the Hive. The members of Cached include: Clément Bouttier, Ryan Dzelzkalns, Jon Flint, Vytas Jankauskas, Joana Mateus, Aline Martinez and Felipe de Souza.
With modern technology becoming more and more complex. Our collective aims to design poignant experiences understood by wide audiences. Our interests examine data, algorithmic complexity, and obscure infrastructure, especially focusing on how these affect the individual. Since our formation at the Hive, we have gone on to lead workshops, talks and present Cached globally, find out about recent events here.

The Hive residency at thecamp
Cached Collective, with Walid van Boetzelaer, Tim Maughan, Laurence Mence, Jake Charles Rees.
Experimenta 2020, Piksel 2019, Tate Exchange 2019, V&A DDW 2019, ISEA2019